Move Steam Games. Moving your Steam games around is trickier than you may think: Valve's download platform is less flexible than you may think. You can move Steam games to any drive that's connected to your computer, even a USB drive, but first you need to tell Steam where it can store games.
If, for whatever reason, you need to move Steam games from one drive.
The files it creates can be moved from PC to PC Attempts to copy the game still had steam thinking it should download.
In the past, in order to move Steam games to another hard drive, we had to write a pretty comprehensive guide about junction points and other moderately complex techy stuff. Note that Steam Mover can be used to move any folder around (by changing the Source Path), but for Steam the maximum benefit is in moving individual games from the Common folder. When i move the steam games on another hard drive, the next time i download a game it will automatically download on my new hard drive right?