Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
Youtube Audio Desync. Videos I've uploaded in recent which are hours in length gradually desync I don't know when, but there's a video on YouTube that has problems with the opus audio codec. This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry.
VF@FR17 -- Ryan Hart vs. Hyena [sound desync issues] - YouTube (Lydia Hayes)
When you get the YouTube audio desync issue when you are playing a YouTube video, it is quite annoying. Youtube audio/video desyncing when watching videos with Chrome. All of a sudden, you noticed your YouTube audio and video desync on Chrome or other browser or even YouTube app, the sound is just delayed.
I am experiencing considerable slow downs and audio/video desync while watching Youtube videos.
This error can be fixed with special software that repairs the registry.
Popravak: YouTube Desync problem
Slackfest 2 Grand Finals: Lunary (Fox) VS. Chaos0 (Tails ...
Mini Update: YouTube Audio Desync Issues - YouTube
VF@FR17 -- Ryan Hart vs. Hyena [sound desync issues] - YouTube
Try These Methods to Fix the YouTube Audio Desync Issue
Oprava: Problém s desynchronizáciou zvuku YouTube
AverMedia Live Gamer Ultra GC553 + OBS Audio Desync ...
Elgato Video Stuttering/Audio Desync w/ OBS - YouTube
The audio card is built into the motherboard. YouTube Audio and Video Not Syncing Overview. Audio timing adjustment slider appears under the video screen on your YouTube page with a click of.