How To Get Water In Subnautica. Roughly how many hours do you need to sink in to complete this game on survival mode if you are an average gamer? When you first load up Survival mode in Subnautica, you may be overwhelmed.
The basic way to get food in the early stage of the game is by gathering acid mushroom you can get it from almost anywhere under the water but while collecting them get it with your own hands and don't use your knife on them as it will cause it to explode and it.
I think the third-best thing about Subnautica is how it balances weirdness with plausibility.
We show you how to get food and water in Subnautica. Subnautica is an evocative, occasionally terrifying underwater survival game that thrives on The scanner is one of the first tools the game will show you how to build with your fabricator, and it's Farming is a great way to get food and water consistently. The game will guide you to where you can.