My Cpu Wont Start. You should first check your motherboards condition and then look for an other cpu. Long story short CPU not recieving power on waking up from sleep, even if i shut down the PC and wont power off PSU. ive a custom pc cofigs are given at end the problem my pc was designed for gaming it was working absolutely fine untill one day suddenly the cpu wont start but desktop and speakers are working the power cable is ok. "THE MOTHERBOARRD INDICATOR LED GLOWS" but nothing works not even.
So i was done building my friends pc, after i had already buit my own.
Here are some troubleshooting steps to take when your computer fails to boot correctly.
Also, with my computer all opened up and on the table, I connected everything back up. turned it on, and the CPU heatsink, still would not start up untill I has flicked the PSU switch back and forth a couple of times. i wash using it last afternoon,it was hot so i put a fan on it.then when i was about to use it that night it wont running,mouse but the monitor don't receive signal and the keyboard wont wont too,i tighten the wires and etc and still wont work.then I notice before the CPU/desktop would. When I press power switch, smps and cpu fan start for half second and go off. I like to suggest removing the battery from system and see if that will make.