Hitman 2016 Video Game. Upgrade your copy of HITMAN to the GOTY Edition now and get immediate access to the Patient Zero campaign plus all the other new content included in the GOTY Edition. IO Interactive, IOI logos, HITMAN, HITMAN logos, and WORLD OF ASSASSINATION are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or exclusively licensed to IO Interactive A/S.
The PlayStation Family Mark is a registered trademark of Sony Interactive.
The HITMAN Beta is set twenty years in the past at a top-secret ICA recruitment and training facility.
IO Interactive, IOI logos, HITMAN, HITMAN logos, and WORLD OF ASSASSINATION are trademarks or registered trademarks owned by or exclusively licensed to IO Interactive A/S. Upgrade your copy of HITMAN to the GOTY Edition now and get immediate access to the Patient Zero campaign plus all the other new content included in the GOTY Edition.