Move Appdata Folder Windows 10. In some circumstances, however, it makes sense to move one. Once you have moved it, you must replace the original with a symbolic link to the new location.
So I was trying to move AppData folder to another drive as my C drive which has windows installed is small. Just moving the folder is not enough. As I mentioned earlier, there are three folders inside AppData - Local, LocalLow, and Roaming.
I tried google out the process and Microsoft support page is so confusing. move-user-data-folders.jpg.
Do note, this does work with AppData, but not with Program Files nor with the Windows folder, as it will break things like Windows Update.
While there are hacks that allow you to move that folder, the next time you receive a large Windows update, your system will brick and it will need to be re-installed - it is not worth the effort. . . So I was trying to move AppData folder to another drive as my C drive which has windows installed is small. I don't want the same thing to happen again with.