Not Very Cash Money. By sav_jaclin. if you see me listening to this playlist, mind yo own business. That Wasn't Very Cash Money of You is a catchphrase associated with a drawing of the character Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica that wasn't very cash money of you the phrase is used when someone just pulled a dick move. being cash money means being cool and chill, so not.
At The Checkout, Bookstore, England, Money, UK
That Wasn't Very Cash Money of You is a catchphrase associated with a drawing of the character Sayaka Miki from Puella Magi Madoka Magica that wasn't very cash money of you the phrase is used when someone just pulled a dick move. being cash money means being cool and chill, so not.
Listen to not very cash money in full in the Spotify app. okbuddyretard - That's not very cash money!!!- view and download thousands of reddit videos for free! unironically saying "that's not very cash money of you" to someone during a serious conversation is always gonna be so fucking funny to me… That's not very cash money of you, Karen". nothing is ever gonna beat that. Well that wasn't very cash money of you then. Like how are they gonna respond??