Xbox One S Discontinued. "Xbox One S will continue to be manufactured and sold globally." Reports of Xbox One X and Xbox One S shortages have surfaced in recent weeks, and The Xbox One S All-Digital Edition was only launched in April last year, as a disc-less version of the Xbox One S. Microsoft says gamers can check with retailers for availability of their current stock.
Xbox One isn't completely dead, despite rumors to the contrary.
Microsoft discontinues the original Xbox One console, ending sales on its own online store, leaving just the Xbox One S and the Xbox One X as options.
With the original Xbox discontinued, the Xbox One S is treated as the standard Xbox One console. Get the latest tech stories with CNET Daily News every weekday. The Xbox One S will continue to be sold. "As we ramp into the future with Xbox Series X, we're taking the natural step of stopping production on Xbox Original Story: Xbox One consoles--except for the Xbox One S-- have reportedly been discontinued in the lead up to the launch of the Xbox Series X.