Destiny 2 Transversive Steps. By scouring the global Destiny population using the Bungie API, we are able to see which perks a wide variety of players select for each weapon. This item can be obtained randomly from Exotic Engrams, and is occasionally sold by Xûr.
So Transversive steps is an exotic set of boots that increases sprinting speed and reloads the currents weapon.
Transversive Steps is a Leg Armor in Destiny.
Your relationship with consistent spacetime is.tenuous at best. Use Transversive Steps to speed yourself as a Warlock--the boots give you faster sprint speed and reload your equipped weapon while sprinting. For any Warlock looking to round out their collection, this set of Exotic boots is worth purchasing, even if they're only going to be used to unlock some Pinnacle weapons. "Your relationship with consistent spacetime is.tenuous at best." Strange Protractor.