Ntoskrnl Exe Windows 10. Ntoskrnl.exe (Short for Windows NT operating system kernel) otherwise known as kernel image, is a system application file that provides the kernel. This can be owed to the ntoskrnl.exe memory handler.
Ntoskrnl.exe, short for Windows NT operating system kernel , is a fundamental part of the system.
Though the ntoskrnl.exe is a very well protected system file, it might still get damaged or corrupt, in which case the memory handling in your PC would get disrupted and wouldn't be occurring properly.
Ntoskrnl.exe (Short for Windows NT operating system kernel) otherwise known as kernel image, is a system application file that provides the kernel. The main process that is being observed as troublesome is the System (ntoskrnl.exe) process. Reportedly, this process uses an increasing amount of RAM after PC starts.