Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
Hard Drive Making Noise. On the other hand, if you start hearing noises only occasionally or noises that you've never heard before—like clicking, grinding, vibrations, or squealing—your hard. A hard drive is not something you want to tinker around with.
What To Do When Your Hard Drive is Making Noise (Phoebe Newton)
Well, data on a hard disc drive is stored in blocks. Typically, hard drives will make low-pitched whirring or whining noises - particularly when they're booting up or accessing/storing data - or clicking noises. The other possibility is that it's simply normal sounds that the drive makes, but you haven't heard before, perhaps because of different usage patterns.
It doesn't sound bad or anything,it's not even that loud, it's just slightly annoying.
It may be a part of the drive's normal self check routine.
Troubleshoot Your Hard Drive Noise Problem - Info | Remo ...
Is Your Hard Drive Making Noise? Here Is What You Should Do!
New asus laptop hard drive making noise. - YouTube
Xona Games - Quiet Your Hard Drive / Case Vibration Noise
Hard Drive Vibration (Noisy) | Tom's Hardware Forum
What To Do When Your Hard Drive is Making Noise
How to fix 2.5 External Hard Drive (Clicking/ Beeping ...
How to Repair a Hard Drive Making Noise | Workable Methods
A hard drive keeps making a clicking noise always causes panic among users who encounter this issue. So, why does your hard drive make so much noise? Has your hard drive been making strange noises recently?