Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
Is Mixer Shutting Down. The announcement of Mixer's shutdown came via a blog post called "The Next Step for Mixer." In the post, Microsoft indicated they were unable to grow their live streaming community to the scale they had expected. I love my community and what we built together on Mixer.
Why Microsoft Shut Down Mixer and Teamed Up with Facebook (Jane Stevens)
On Monday, Mixer announced they'd be shutting down operations. After a year of heavy investment by Microsoft which included big signings for popular streamers like Ninja, it looks like the streaming platform Mixer is. It also appears some Mixer streamers, employees, and partners weren't given a heads up about the shutdown.
The shutdown starts today, with a transition plan laid out by Microsoft for Mixer streamers.
Here you see what is going on.
Mixer is shutting down 😒😒🙁🙁☹😱 - YouTube
Mixer shutting down :( - YouTube
Ninja starts streaming on YouTube after Microsoft shuts ...
My Thoughts On Mixer Shutting Down - YouTube
Mixer is shutting down! My response. - YouTube
Microsoft Shutting Down Mixer on July 22, Partners With ...
Mixer is Shutting DOWN????? (Warning: Big Sad) - YouTube
Why Microsoft Shut Down Mixer and Teamed Up with Facebook
After a year of heavy investment by Microsoft which included big signings for popular streamers like Ninja, it looks like the streaming platform Mixer is. I have some decisions to make and will be thinking about you all as I make them. Mixer Partners, streamers, and community - today, we've got some very big news for you.