Fallout 4 Crash Fix. First things first, you should make sure that your GPU drivers are up to date (both Nvidia and AMD). According to a Reddit post, the crashing is due to the game's save file becoming corrupt, and the only way to fix the crash.
In the Error-checking category, click Check now… In the dialog that appears, check "Automatically fix file system errors" and "Scan for and attempt recovery of bad.
Because, after this start-up crash it doesn't even display any Display card stopped working or anything.
First things first, you should make sure that your GPU drivers are up to date (both Nvidia and AMD). Usually while moving, usually indicating that it is trying to render something that isn't found, or suchlike. If your sound suddenly cuts out (this has happened to us on numerous occasions, particularly when accessing terminals in the If your app is crashing or locking up on a regular basis, we recommend reinstalling the app to see if that helps dislodge the problem.