Pfsense Vs Opnsense. I prefer OPNsense because of the UI. If you are interested in intrusion detection, OPNsense natively supports Suricata while pfSense supports Snort (although I think you may. pfSense vs.
What are your thoughts. pfSense® CE vs OPNsense®: technical comparison. I, the author, have no affiliation or relationship with either pfSense or OPNSense. I've looked on the net for comparisons.
Die Frage die sich mir jetzt stellt, was ist besser?
I'm looking to move to pfSense or OPNSense and am dumping Sophos UTM free.
Has anyone used Opnsense and pfSense? It is installed on a physical computer or a virtual machine to make a dedicated firewall/router for a network. A tale as old as time. pfsense vs OPNsense.