Modular Vs Non Modular Psu. Until a few years ago, most consumers paid little or no attention to their computer power supplies - They would splurge on a bleeding edge CPU and monster graphics card, only to cheap out on a inferior power supply unit. Choosing the Right PC Power Supply (PSU) as Fast As Possible.
Apa itu Power Supply Unit (PSU)?
Well, now you can know in just a few minutes!
Choosing the Right PC Power Supply (PSU) as Fast As Possible. Oke kita sudah belajar sedikit tentang listrik di rumah kita, tapi apa hubungannya sama kegunaan dari Power Supply Unit ini sih?? powersupply #psu #modular Memiliki sebuah Power Supply (PSU) yang baik akan memenuhi semua kebutuhan daya kelistrikan. Our modular power supply units keep your PC ticking over just as it should whilst keeping internal cables to a minimum, allowing for ease of build and high performance in equal measure.