Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
I Hate Windows 10. Well here's my answer which I can guess will mesh with at least some others. I've seen the same come from OSX users when they upgraded to Yosemite.
6 things we hate about Windows 10 - Feature - PC Advisor (Della Burns)
Microsoft gives you a two-page list of all the stuff they want to track, and if you click through, you have just And, for the whole, I don't mind this, but Microsoft does the one thing I hate most, they think they know what I want better than me. SERIOUSLY why are all basic functions made incredibly difficult? Every single time they release a feature update, the control panels and shortcuts change.
I don't need my computer overwriting my drivers with different versions without my consent, nor do I need Cortana always running when I don't use her.
It's also closed source and has terribly inconsistent UI.
windows 10 - I hate Windows! BSOD and many other *famous ...
This is why I hate Windows 10. : iiiiiiitttttttttttt
Windows 8 Is Not Good For Gamers
I hate windows 10 please help
Hate Windows 8? Wait….Something Big Is Coming! | Computer ...
"I Hate Windows 10" vs "I Love Windows 10" - The Social ...
I ******* hate windows 10 | Windows 10 Forums
I Hate Windows 8 - YouTube
I hate windows 10 please help
I appreciate being in control of what my computer does. Microsoft gives you a two-page list of all the stuff they want to track, and if you click through, you have just And, for the whole, I don't mind this, but Microsoft does the one thing I hate most, they think they know what I want better than me. Well here's my answer which I can guess will mesh with at least some others.