Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
How To Turn Off Gsync. The scroll bar shows there is at least one more setting and if I remember correctly, that is VSync. And what are the rest of your system specs?
ASUS RoG SWIFT PG278Q 27-inch G-SYNC Monitor Review - Techgage (John Reyes)
Of course, given how easy it can be to switch VSync on and off, it's worth trying both. As you can see, it's very much a case-by-case basis. I'm able to set a color profile with GNOME settings, but whenever I open nvidia-settings, this gets reset.
How to Overclock a Video Card - Beginners Guide.
In general, if your graphics processor is rendering more In this case, it's best to keep it off.
Gaming monitors | AOC
Nvidia announces G-Sync for laptops, reveals low-level ...
PUBG NVIDIA Settings - Driver Easy
Review: AMD Freesync is a Credible Threat to G-Sync - GameSpot
No G-sync option in nvidea control panel
What Is VSync & Difference Between Freesync Vs G-SYNC
vsync on or off | What is Vsync? How You Can vsync on or off?
At least with Vsync off, if Gsync is not working you will see tearing and know something is wrong. The following steps outline how to enable or disable this feature. Does the same thing happen if you close the control panel entirely rather than just leaving it open after applying?