Show Fps Apex Legends. Apex Legends: How to Show FPS ingame [Steam]. Having an FPS counter running shows how many frames you are running and how well your computer handles it.
Apex Legends players live and die based on their mastery of its fast-paced combat and movement. Apex Legends is a more unique and enhanced take to the whole Battle Royals fad compared to the likes of Fortnite or PUBG — and that's a good thing! How To Show Your FPS in Apex Legends on PC.
Before changing the config, first try lowering the graphics settings.
Apex Legends has a good array of video and different settings to customize between (or throughout) matches.
Apex Legends is a more unique and enhanced take to the whole Battle Royals fad compared to the likes of Fortnite or PUBG — and that's a good thing! Players with strong computers report that when they have more. Apex Legends User Submitted Frame Per Second Results.