Usps Label Created Not Yet In System. When I submitted for text alerts, got a message saying "Not found", but when I plug it into my phone's browser I see this: Label Created, not yet in system A status update is not yet available on your package. Maybe I don't understand this USPS system very well.
When I submitted for text alerts, got a message saying "Not found", but when I plug it into my phone's browser I see this: Label Created, not yet in system A status update is not yet available on your package.
A status update is not yet available on your package.
How long does USPS want this package to sit there in.. When I track it on USPS, it says: "Label Created, not yet in system: A status update is not yet available on your Priority MailĀ® package. The /r/USPS subreddit is not affiliated with the United States Postal Service.