Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
What Is Polling Rate. Why Is Polling Rate Important In Gaming? But what polling rate should you use?
What Is Polling Rate? [2020 Guide] - Best Settings (Nora Lyons)
The polling rate (or report rate) determines how often the mouse sends information to your computer. Find all the answers right here. Polling, or polled operation, in computer science, refers to actively sampling the status of an external device by a client program as a synchronous activity.
The polling rate of a mouse is simply an indication of how many times (per second) a mouse reports its position to the PC.
Polling rate in terms of keyboard would indicate how often it will check if a key is being pressed.
Is there a way to change the mouse polling rate - Windows ...
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Do you have the option in your Logitech software? And please do correct me if what I've written is wrong Know your mouse! Polling rate is still a theme of great debate among gamers.