Virtual Super Resolution On Or Off. Resolution Increasing will improve the picture quality, but it will also reduce the frame rate, affecting gaming performance. Run a game, preferably the one you play most often, while VSR is turned off and the game is on native resolution and jot down you average FPS.
The display may go blank for a few seconds when Virtual Super Resolution is turned on or off Close Radeon Settings to exit.
Personally if you tried uninstalling the drivers and rebooting and reinstalling i would try DDU but i leave that until no other.
AMD took wrong approach and did not decouple monitor output resolution from that reported to Secondly since it is display that does it, it is receiving images on higher resolution. required higher bandwidth between GPU and monitor. reduces. I turn on Virtual Super Resolution in games and turn Anti-Aliasing off, i get a feqw FPS more that way usualy. Hi I've recently started using Virtual Super Resolution on my AMD card instead of using the DCS in game Anti Aliasing.