Twitch Stream Lagging. I am not referring to lag the way you defined it. Among the many reasons why you might be facing Twitch lag is due to your computer specifications.
Why is my live stream lagging or buffering.
Awhile back when TF came out and the Twitch app allowed streaming I tried a few attempts at broadcasting.
I recently started to stream on Twitch when I play Overwatch and found that you quite have to fiddle So, I created this OBS Twitch settings guide to give you a little help to set up a lag-free stream. The past broadcasts on twitch look fine and are without visible lag so I suspect it might be issues on the viewers end but as mentioned I can't watch my own stream at times even though the past. Twitch stream keeps freezing - this can be a frustrating problem as it typically seems that the Undoubtedly Twitch is a popular streaming platform, but if you are also facing lagging and buffering.