Install Easy Anti Cheat. You should now be able to start your game. You can also install the service manually.
EasyAntiCheat is installed alongside Rust's installation automatically, and Next Day Survival should have a similar install process, but because of how GeForce NOW handles game installs Hello, the same happend to me with crossout, which is supported by GFN, it says easy anti cheat not installed. i was able to play this game before. i didnt do any modification to this game at all. what do i do? do i need to manually install said program?.
Easy Anti-Cheat eSports finds game cheats by scanning games' memory, the system memory and verifying original game files on disk to ensure they have not been modified.
You should now be able to start your game. This error means that Easy Anti-Cheat has been uninstalled from your system. If you have uninstalled the Public Test Server (PTS) for a game and then To fix this, please reinstall Easy Anti-Cheat.