Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
Ryzen Power Plan. Make sure "AMD Ryzen Power Plan" is checked, then click Install. Balanced power plan optimized for AMD Ryzen™ processors.
AMD releases new custom power plan for Ryzen (Ann Floyd)
For more demanding workloads, I use the Ryzen High Performance plan. Ryzen power plans throttle the CPU depending on the load. Problems with Windows preset power modes have been one of the biggest.
For more demanding workloads, I use the Ryzen High Performance plan.
This custom power plan helps you improve system performance by teaching Windows how to In this article, I'm publishing a second Power Plan for Ryzen that helps even users with the latest Windows.
AMD ryzen high performance power plan - YouTube
1usmus Custom Power Plan for Ryzen 3000 Download v1.1
AMD Releases Ryzen Balanced Power Plan Patch For Windows ...
Ryzen 2600 EDC issue - CPUs, Motherboards, and Memory ...
AMD Ryzen 7 & Windows 10 Power Options - CPUs ...
How to Get AMD Ryzen Balanced Power Plan on Windows 10
1usmus Custom Power Plan for Ryzen 3000 Zen 2 Processors ...
AMD Ryzen Balanced Power Plan Benchmarked - Page 3 of 6 ...
How to Get AMD Ryzen Balanced Power Plan on Windows 10
In the power plan description it states: Global C-state Control = Enabled. This time with Windows Power plans tested! AMD today made available a power plan update which should change how the Balanced plan impacts Ryzen performance.