Compliment In Spanish. How to Compliment in Spanish: Spanish Compliment Guide. Compliments in Spanish are known as piropos, halagos, or cumplidos.
Here's a list of translations. compliment - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions. compliment nnoun: Refers to person, place, thing, quality, etc. often plural (flattering comment). Word Compliment translation and meaning in spanish. Need to translate "COMPLIMENT" from english and use correctly in a sentence?
Cumplido. pronunciation: kumplidoʊ part of speech: noun.
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How do you say compliment in Spanish? Learning how to compliment someone in Spanish is not only about flirting or complimenting When you learn how to compliment someone in Spanish, it is also. Learn about different types of transport in Spanish, including a few methods which are unique to Colombia!