Thermal Paste On Cpu. While the exact composition of most solutions is a well-kept secret, a Google search makes it pretty easy to get a list of typical ingredients. Thermal Paste is a substance or compound that is applied to the heat sink or processor that acts as an interface between them for better transfer of heat from the processor to the heat sink, which in turn helps in reducing the temperature of your processor.
If you have ever removed a CPU heat sink, you would This paste-like or grease-like substance is what we call CPU thermal compound. For applying thermal paste first you need to replace the old thermal paste. It can also be placed between other components, especially between a CPU and ac cooler.
It goes by a few other names. including thermal paste, thermal.
What kind of thermal paste did you use?
This wad thermal paste from the prism cooler pre installed. Check out our guide to find great and affordable options among thermal compounds. Thermal paste is designed to fill in the gaps and imperfections on the surfaces that you are joining.