Cant Hear People In Discord

Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.

Cant Hear People In Discord. The Discord can't hear anyone problem will always arise from Discord. One of the most important ones is that you can't hear anyone in Discord, despite your speakers/headphones working just fine.

Prank me friends but no sound so you guys can't hear also ...
Prank me friends but no sound so you guys can't hear also ... (Nelle Parsons)
If you have better solutions, please do not hesitate to share with us. Although, Windows automatically select the newly connected Discord voice settings come with two options. Then, you can't hear anyone on discord.

Choose the Right Input and Output Devices.

Many users have complained about this problem that, in spite of having a stable internet connection they can't hear people on Discord.

Can't Hear People On Discord? [Simple Fix] - GamingScan

Can't hear my friends on discord

Prank me friends but no sound so you guys can't hear also ...

Discord - Drawception

Why I can't hear people on Discord? [5 Easy Methods]

Can't hear people on Discord? Here's how to fix it ...

Eliminating Sound Echo While Co-Op'ing With Friends - Parsec

Fix Can't Hear Anyone on Discord 2020 - Driver Easy

Fix Can't Hear Anyone on Discord 2020 - Driver Easy

The reason behind this issue is usually improper audio settings or your audio device not being selected as the default device. Discord is extremely quick at resolving issues. Since Discord allows people to do voice chats, sometimes, you might experience that you can't hear people while using Discord.