Video Bitrate For 1080 P. Increasing your bitrate can improve your video quality, but only up to a certain point-- our recommended bitrate settings have been tested to optimize video quality without wasting bandwidth. Youtube recommends sending videos with high bitrates but after several tests I have verified that it does not change the quality beyond a certain bitrate, it is more important the quality of the source of acquisition rather than the bitrate.
Higher bitrates mean that you have a smoother stream at higher resolutions, lower bitrates decrease the.
It depends on what size the customer uploads and what is type of content - Media, E-learning (In.
For your videos to stream steadily, the video resolutions have to match with the right. Choose format, resolution and other video characteristics to preserve the best quality of image and sound. If your Bit Rate is on the low side, you can lose some detail in dark and shadowy areas of your video.