Turn Off Hard Disk After. Advanced Power Options allows you to change when your hard drive powers down. If you have a laptop or tablet, you have two options; plugged in Note that this will work on both internal and external hard drives but not SSD and NVMe drives.
When asleep, do the SATA drives stop spinning until the PC is awakened. Sometimes HD makes on a external hard drive usb port , sleep can i repair this? In my personal Opinion technically this feature may cause additional harm on Regular Hard Disk Drive (Because Turning off then Turning ON more frequently is what's going to happen) so.
Solid State Drives. "Turn off hard disk after" & SSD?
Here's a before and after: Add or Remove Turn off hard.
The user can enable or disable it. Click on Settings (Minutes) or On battery (Minutes) and Plugged in (for notebook PC), and enter a value in minutes to indicate how long after idling the harddisk will be turned off. In my personal Opinion technically this feature may cause additional harm on Regular Hard Disk Drive (Because Turning off then Turning ON more frequently is what's going to happen) so.