Beat Saber Mod. This program will install custom mods into beat saber automatically, and can be re-run in order to update. Beat Saber Modding via a Beat Saber Mod Installer.
This program will install custom mods into beat saber automatically, and can be re-run in order to update. A Beat Saber mod repository maintained by the Beat Saber Modding Group. Sometimes Beat Saber updates also require the mods or the Mod Manager to be updated to work with the new version, so you might want to wait a few days or check the status of mods from before.
Mods may not work with Beat Saber due to firewall/antivirus restrictions.
There could be quite a few reasons for the aforementioned error.
With newer versions of the BS Mod Injector, they added a simple anti-piracy check that looks for. Whether you need help installing mods, making custom sabers, or learning to map your favorite song, head to. INI files in the game Go to YourBeatSaberPath\UserData and edit Beat Saber IPA.json.