Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
How Many Frames Per Second Can The Human Eye See. When you are talking about how many frames per second a human eye you are entering a discussion about psychopotics of vision and not so much about photography. Imagine yourself watching movie of an unbelievably slow fog.
Maximum Frames Per Second The Human Eye Can See | David ... (Zachary Morris)
The eye transmits information to the brain, but some characteristics of the signal are lost or altered in the process. How much FPS you can see depends on the scene you watch. When I wrote my replies and the first post, I did not know about this research.
There is also an argument there that resolution and contrast ratios are considerably more important than refresh rates.
What is the maximum framerate the human eye see?
Does FPS matter in gaming? 30fps vs 60fps vs 144fps or ...
How many frames per second can the human eye really see ...
Maximum Frames Per Second The Human Eye Can See | David ...
How DoI Keep The Process Going? The Roman Empire began to ...
BNL | Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) | Contact ...
If it is true that the human eye can only see 24 frames ...
How many frames per second can the human eye really see ...
Maximum Frames Per Second The Human Eye Can See | David ...
BNL | Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) | Contact ...
But this does beg the question - and it's a question that's been around for as long as PC gaming itself: can the human eye really see high framerates? What is the shortest frame a human eye would notice? This myth kills me more than any other out there, due to having such a vested interest in PC gaming.