Jealousy is only for people who do not believe in themselves and their partners.
Cpu Opt. For this mobo, the CPU_OPT is going to mirror whatever RPM the CPU_FAN is at (it is BIOS controlled), so you will be But the CPU_OPT fan rpm is always lower than the CPU FAN. is it normal? Contribute to JayDDee/cpuminer-opt development by creating an account on GitHub.
CPU AMD OPT 2C DC 2220 2.8GHz/2x1MB/1GHz/95W SF (Ella McGuire)
Mobo manual says CPU_OPT is for liquid cooling, though CPU_FAN should be used for CPU So.should I plug pump power into CPU_FAN and the case fan hub into OPT? Typically, this is the header that you would use to connect CPU_OPT - This header serves the same purpose as CPU_FAN, the only difference is not having a. Your mobo monitors those headers to make sure the CPU fan is always.
The reason this matters is simple.
Typically, this is the header that you would use to connect CPU_OPT - This header serves the same purpose as CPU_FAN, the only difference is not having a.
What's the difference between 'CPU FAN' socket, 'CPU OPT ...
Can I plug a CPU cooling unit into the CPU Opt if it is ...
Cpu Fan: What Is Cpu Fan Opt
Cpu Fan: Cpu Fan Opt
Optima CPU Cradle- Desktop Power
Mini pc Thin client,HTPC,5th Gen. Core i3 5005U CPU,HD ...
Сървъри и Аксесоари PowerEdge R440,no CPU(opt),Chassis ...
cpu opt vs cpu fan
Your mobo monitors those headers to make sure the CPU fan is always. I believe CPU-OPT is slaved to CPU_FAN, so that it receives the identical voltage or PWM signal. The voltage cannot be set separately.