Short Dst Failed. In a long or extended DST, in addition to testing the hard drive's major components, it also conducts a thorough review of the data on your platters. You'll then see the error message indicating hard disk short DST failure.
Usually, when there is a short DST error, there is no way to tell when the hard drive will eventually fail. If a DST Short Test fails on your computer, and you receive an error message or log entry that reflects the failure, this is likely caused by a failing hard drive. What to do if hard drive short DST check is failed?
What to do if Hard Drive Short DST Check Failed.
Anyone know what I can do to fix this.
What is your reasoning to do the long again? However, certain software will also cause the. I have a Dimension that's a few years old and Some bad block errors I've only done the Long DST once, after it failed the short.