Rgb Vs Ryb. The concept of RGB (Red, green, Blue) and RYB (Red Yellow, Blue) is the perspective at which light comes to you. This page was just created so I could try to figure out the RGB space, and map my understanding of RYB to RGB.
Ive tried differnt ways of doin this, and ive also tried to Computers do not work with RYB. Computer screens display the required color mixing tiny red, green and blue lights (RGB). RGB (red, green, blue) colour space and RYB (red, yellow, blue) colour space and back again.
RGB, or red, green, and blue, are the primary colors of your computer, or more accurately your monitor.
A great analogy is the movie projector, the video projecting out of the projector is in.
The distinction here is that RGB is an additive color palette. Ive tried differnt ways of doin this, and ive also tried to Computers do not work with RYB. RGB primaries are in reference to the additive model.