How To Make Your Mic Sound Bad. It only takes a few minutes to get If you have a deeper voice, your recordings will naturally have more bass, which will make your recorded voice sound more Use a pop filter, and stand a while away from the mic. how do i make my microphone sound like shit i have a really expensive mic and i need it to sound bad i really wish i could find a crappy one but i got this one ways to make it sound really really bad????? Some mics will sound "warmer" than others, but don't change the frequency or frequencies of your.
I like how Alex Jones' mic sounds, a deeper sound to it with some reverb, I'm sure some of you understand right?
First, let's be clear about one thing: You can modify how a microphone sounds, but you can't make a bad mic sound good any more than you can make a blurry image clear by clicking "enhance" over and over again (*Ahem* CSI).
Any posts with the intent to self-promote, enter contests or sweepstakes, sell products or services, or are Essentially what's happening is the dude is blowing into the mic with enough force that it's clipping the signal of the microphone's input. If you try to raise the audio gain to make yourself louder you'll also boost the background noise. Usually, people tend to find that their voice sounds fairly bad, although As you can see getting a deeper mic voice isn't hard at all, the problem is that most people do not actually know how to make their voices deeper by.