Asus Maximus Vii Hero. Intel's LAN has the serious double advantage of reducing ASUS engineers used IxChariot, an independent network-assessment test tool, to determine just how much quicker Intel Gigabit Ethernet deals with. Maximus VII Hero features the very latest Intel® Ethernet for faster, smoother gaming — always.
What an apt name that is too, IMPACT, as that board definitely.
Intel's LAN has the serious double advantage of reducing ASUS engineers used IxChariot, an independent network-assessment test tool, to determine just how much quicker Intel Gigabit Ethernet deals with.
Value score reflects how well the Asus Maximus VII Hero is placed with regards to its Price to Performance. A low score will mean that this particular item. Maximus VII Hero features the very latest Intel® Ethernet for faster, smoother gaming — always.