Games To Play When Bored On Computer. Some games never get old and have only increased in enjoyment with the ability to play on computers and hand-held Online domino games make it possible to play either against a computerized opponent or players from around the world. If you haven't played this game already, you're missing out on one of the toughest bloody games ever created.
The game gives you a small passage to type out a word in the shortest possible time that you can, while you race against other players online. Including action, arcade, adventure, puzzle, cards, shooting and other fun games to play when bored. What happens when you combine the first-person shooting of a game like Call of Duty and the compulsive loot grind of Diablo?
One mind-numbingly boring night my husband and his friends invented a game they call Ironman YouTube.
Jellys will explode into little jelly drops which cause chain reactions when hitting other Jellys.
Here's a list of random games to play when you're bored. What to play when you're bored? We tend to get bored either when things don't happen the way we want them to, or when we don't have anything to do.