How To Use Geforce Experience. Open up the GeForce Experience Share overlay by clicking "Alt + Z", and then go to "Customize" under Instant Replay. With Nvidia GeForce Experience open, you can use ShadowPlay to record your gameplay.
Since I typically manually fiddle with game settings, do I need Geforce Experience since I can just download the drivers from the site whenever.
YouTube user TechMax has uploaded a video in which he shows a way to circumvent GeForce Experience's most wanted feature of all time: the In case you don't want the green genies to know when you're online, for how long, what hardware you use, and which games you play, and want to.
Open up the GeForce Experience Share overlay by clicking "Alt + Z", and then go to "Customize" under Instant Replay. GeForce Experience adds new ways to customize, capture and share your gameplay, and introduces support for NVIDIA Highlights in Fortnite Battle Royale. In the next menu, you'll notice that there are multiple options that you can fiddle around SEE ALSO: How To Record And Stream Gameplay Using NVIDIA GeForce Experience.